My baby boy isn't a baby anymore!

A few months ago I wrote about my son's first day of school. Well I wrote about all three's first days of school, and that we had two milestones. A freshman in high school and a kindergartner.

Well, for Christmas my big kindergartner got a shaving kit as a gift (wait a minute, before anyone flies off the handle thinking I gave my 6 year old a razor, stop, this has Batman all over it, a plastic mirror, foam soap and a completely fake and completely plastic pretend razor!) Anywho, the other night daddy let T try out his shaving kit! He was so excited and I was right there with the camera.. Yeah I know, my kids are getting very annoyed with mommy and her camera!!

Almost got it!

"Those pesky nose hair's mom!"

Is this right?

"Yep, got to get the eye lashes too!"

Done! Totally handsome, don't ya think mom?

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Anonymous said...

lol those are too cute!! Before you know it you will be coming to scrapbooking with us so you can scrapbook all your new pictures!!

Jenn Harrison said...

Oh my gosh that is the funniest thing I've ever seen!! He's SO SERIOUS too!!

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