Is there anybody out there?...

Oh my, where to begin.

I had all but forgotten about this blog until the other day when I saw a post somewhere with the address of blogger, and low and behold my memory came rushing back of days and hours spent pouring my heart and soul out to complete strangers (well not complete since my actual followers are all people I know), but for the anonymous readers that remain faceless and unknown that happen to chance upon my little piece of space. 

I don't know if anyone reads my blog, if anyone ever really did, or if anyone ever will again. And I realize that my mere 79 posts do not even come close to the thousands of dedicated bloggers out there in the world that post religiously every day, and sometimes multiple times a day complete with wit, humor, insight, wise advise and beautiful photographs. But I am who I am, and this is mine.

I used to love to write, it was beyond a love really. It was a passion that sparked other passions in my life. I have always had a wild and vivid imagination. I wasn't one to play with Barbie's, but I saw things where no one else saw anything. I could stand atop my kiddie slide in the backyard of my childhood home instantly be standing at the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea while the wind whipped my hair into a frenzy and I lamented my love for a betrayal beyond words and a life of solitude.  The only solace I had in my desolation were the three unicorns that kept me company (our three cocker spaniels!) 

It was nothing for me to think up amazing stories on the fly with nothing but a picture to kick start my imagination, or a thought to nurture and grow until the back story of a situation was often times more interesting that the actual situation.  So when it came to writing, it was easy.

But recently I turned my back to my writing. I let adulthood become complicated and challenging and began to lose track of time.  This was not necessarily a bad thing though. I do have a family, with three teenagers and a grandchild. I am married to a wonderful man that treats me amazingly. I also decided to go back to school and get a degree in a field that has absolutely no room for imagination!, accounting.  Maybe my life wasn't so much too complicated for fantasy, but perhaps it was to amazing for fantasy.  Nevertheless I haven't written anything in over a year.  And even the latest blog entries weren't so much fanciful writings as they were general life updates.  Also, not all of my writings have always been fantasy, but more of just a way to express my own feelings and daily undertakings. 

Anyway. I have completely rambled, but then again, that is probably what I am really trying to say here.  I ramble. I spur off on tangents, I let my imagination run wild and I write. I write about normal every day stuff with a twist. I write in a way that I feel people can really get the point of what I am trying to say.  I love to write, and am hoping I will begin writing  more often again. Although, life does sometimes jump up and say HI!!

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