Vacation fun!!

Yup, so we finally took a real vacation!  Well, we call it real, cause for us it was.  Some people thought we were crazy though.  We didn't go to a theme park. We didn't go camping. We did sort of go to the beach, but we were away from home for a whole week. That was enough for us. Along the way we even got to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame! That was even more awesome.  Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly. But seeing my husband fulfill a life long dream and having our son there with him was well worth it for me!  We even had an added bonus!

Okay, I know your just dying to know!  We went back to where we lived just before moving to Indiana.  We went to Augusta, GA.  We wanted to see some friends, and take care of a few things that we still have going on down there.  I was missing many friends terribly, and my dear sweet husband new I could use with a good dose of Sharon and Reid!  He wanted to see a few of his good friends too, but would never admit to it!!  He was able to get out and play some golf one day, while I went to my old place of employment and then met up with some girlfriends for lunch. We had a cook out with some good ole southern Low Country Boil and Beer Brats!

We also celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary while on vacation!  Since moving to GA 5 years ago, we had begun a tradition sort of.  Every year we went to Savannah for our anniversary.  Most of the time we were lucky and could get away by ourselves. A time or two we had at least one child with us, but it was no biggie!  When we moved to Indiana, I thought for sure our yearly trip to Savannah was done and we wouldn't be making it back.  I figured we would just find something else to do.  When hubby told me we were going to Savannah, I was so excited!!  And we were able to go for the night!! Yay!!  We had the boy with us, and were excited when one of our good friends was able to go with us.  It was something we had tried to do with our friend before moving away, but never found the time to make the trip.  We had an awesome time.  Got to eat at all our favorite places, and walk the river.  The weather wasn't too bad, we were even able to make a trip out to the beach at Tybee before heading back to Augusta on Wednesday morning!  That was the best anniversary present!

Back in Augusta, we had dinner with a few other friends. Made a few last minute stops to say good-byes and packed up to be able to leave early Thursday morning.  Thursday we drove to Canton, Ohio.  Home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and famed Fawcett Field, home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game every August.  This was the part of the trip hubby had been waiting for, and looking forward too!!  We spent more than 4 hours in the hall of fame on Friday.  The bonus was, this is the first year they have allowed regular visitors to the hall on the field at Fawcett Stadium.  It was amazing!  The boys were able to run around on the field and toss a football!  They threw the ball, and tackled each other.  They kicked punts and field goals.  The boy even ran the full length of the field twice with out stopping!

So this was our fabulous vacation!!  We are so lucky to have been able to go. And it was definitely needed!  My hubby learned how to relax again! It has been so long since he has been able to do that.  What with moving and the new "job".  We have been talking since we got home. Next year we will do something new and exciting!  Chicago? New York? Niagara?  Washington D.C.... that will probably be our winner!  Go see the Redskins play a game at home!!

Life is wonderful!

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Just thinking

I don't know what it was, but while driving around this morning running odd and end errands before the daughter unit leaves for California tonight, I suddenly started thinking.  Very dangerous I know! But suddenly so many thing became painfully obvious to me, yet still mysterious enough to make me go hmm.

For starters, has anyone else noticed how the older we get, the faster time goes by?  I know many people told me when I was younger this very fact of life.  I never believed them, because in the infinite wisdom of my youth I thought they were just plain and simple crazy! Then suddenly, it is true.  I remember as a child waiting on Christmas, or my birthday.  Those days just never seemed to get here.  Or waiting on summer vacation.  Long boring days sitting in a classroom, staring longingly out the door or window wishing so much that the school day would be over so I could get home and swim, or ride my bike.  The end of the school year seemed so elusive, like an old myth that no-one knows for sure if it actually happened or not.  Yet once summer was official, I must not have done things too exciting, because now, I don't seem to remember much.  Sure I remember our family vacations.  The summer we went camping at Hume Lake.  The squirrels attacking our Cocker Spaniel and tormenting him endlessly by throwing nuts and such on his head from high up in the trees where he couldn't get to them.  Or the summer my family rented a cabin just outside of Yosemite Park and spent the week exploring different areas of Yosemite.  Even exploring the river and surrounding area behind our cabin.  That was beautiful.  Then there was the summer we went to San Diego.  The zoo, SeaWorld, and other areas of town where my mother spent some of her childhood while my grandfather was still in the Navy.  One summer I went to Seattle/Tacoma and spent almost the whole summer with my grandparents.  That was a great summer also!  My first major league baseball game in a stadium that no longer stands, and my first trip out of the country, even if it was just across the water to Canada, it was still farther than some have been!  Besides going long distances, I usually spent most of my summers with my grandparents, before they moved to Washington they lived only about 30 minutes from us.  I would wait eagerly for summer knowing I would spend most of it running around with my grandmother or playing caddy for my grandfather and his friends on the the golf course.  Yes, summers were definitely longed for with great anticipation.

Now though, as I have gotten older, they seem to come ever so fast, and leave just as quickly.  All year seems to move with this lightning quick force not just the summer time.  I used to think it was because I was working full time.  So I never seemed to have time to relax, always had something to do.  Now, I am not working, I am attending school but even that is only a few days a week.  I guess I have just reached that level of insanity I used to accuse the elders in my life of living at.  It seems only last month we went to California for Christmas, to see the family. Yet I know it was six months ago.  It seems as though, I only started college last week, now I am facing my first end of term final, tomorrow!  It seems as though my kids just started school, yet I have one that is about to be a junior in High School, and one that is about to be a seventh grader, and the third about to start second grade.

Hubby and I will be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary next week.  It really doesn't feel that long.  I remember the first time I saw that man, and he stole my heart.  I remember how breathless I was the first time we danced together.  When he put his arms around me, I literally had one of those moments you read about in romantic novels, or see in sappy chick flicks.  The room evaporated and it was only him and I.  Swimming, no floating in each others eyes, not seeing another soul around us.  Even now, every time he touches me the feeling has not eased or faltered, maybe, actually, it has gotten stronger.  Perhaps that is why it doesn't seem to have been as long as the calendar says it has.  This is a good thing!  Our marriage and relationship still feels so young, I am glad we are not in one of those stale, stuck-in-a-rut moments of our lives and marriage.

Well, this was just my wondering what the hell kind of post.  I don't know exactly where it came from, other than I am getting ready to leave for the airport to put my baby girl on the plane. Maybe that is what started this all. These days summer always sneaks up on me, because I know I have to send my girl 3000 miles away for at least a month or so.  I hate summers!!

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Another school year down the drain

Yep, another school year has come to a close. Summer is officially upon us, well maybe not officially, but sure as heck fire feels that way!  The kids are happy to be done with school, and I am almost done.  I have one more final to take Thursday, then this term is done for me.  New term will start in a little over a week. 

I am taking online classes this term.  I am nervous about it, but it is the best thing for us right now.  We still don't really know anyone here in the new town, and we are living pretty tightly with only one income.  We have been doing good, but just not at a place where we can afford daycare for the son unit.  He is much too young to stay home alone!!  So online was the best option.  I think I will be just fine, but still nervous.  I have always seemed to have some problems with deadlines when I am not being watched, if that makes any sense.  Just worried that because I am not getting up in the mornings and GOING to school, I will start to put things off.  I am really going to try very very hard not to do that though.  I have enlisted the help of my son to remind mommy to do her school work everyday.  We have a deal, he reminds me to do school work everyday, and when I am done, we go to the pool together!  While I am doing school work, he can play the Xbox.  He is really cool with our deal. Looking forward to telling mommy to do her homework, since I was always telling him too.  :) 

My accounting instructor talked me into taking Accounting II online. Well, they are calling it a blended class. It will be mainly online, but there will be some days when they meet in class.  I had told my instructor while doing Summer registration that I would not be able to attend classes on campus, and explained my child care issues, but I really didn't want to put anything off for a semester.  He agreed, and had enrolled me in some other required courses since I was very hesitant about taking Acct II online.  Even though he really didn't want me to get out of sequence with the Accounting courses.  Then when he was told it would be a blended class, he told me I really should take it, and he had every confidence in the world that I would be just fine, even if it was strictly online, but since it is both maybe I would have more confidence.  So that is where I am at.  Taking Accounting II online.  The days hubby is home, I will be able to go to the school and either meet with the class, or at least meet with the instructor if I have and questions or issues.  Here's hoping! 

Since another summer is upon us, it is time for my baby girl to go to California to see her dad.  I always hate it when they have to go. But since the oldest daughter unit moved out there last August, this summer seems harder.  I think I have this major fear that my youngest daughter will get out there and decide she doesn't want to come home.  Much like what happened last year.  I am scared to death of that.  She has reassured me though that my fear is unfounded, and she will be home in July.  When she comes home, the oldest is supposed to come out with her for a visit.  I am so excited about that.  I haven't seen her since Christmas.  I know that doesn't seem very long, but for me it has been an eternity.  I miss that girl!  I really am hoping that their dad buys the tickets, like he says he is going too.  See, the deal is, I buy D's ticket to L.A.  He buys both girls tickets to Indy, and I buy J's ticket to L.A.  We are supposed to split up the cost for the visitation transportation.  That is how we have done it... usually. There was one year when it didn't work out exactly like that, and my mom helped him buy a ticket or two... still not sure if that was paid back or not.  They can work that out between themselves!  I didn't have anything to do with it anyway!  I bought the tickets I was supposed to!  So that is another of my fears, is that he won't buy what he is supposed to and I won't get to see my girl.  I will have to get D home, and definitely can't afford 4 tickets right now.  And that totally sucks.

Well, I guess this is a good update for now. Sorry no pictures, the weather hasn't been very favorable lately, and we have been busy.  Me studying for finals, the daughter figuring out what to pack, and the son, well, doing boy things.. you know, playing army with the kids across the street!  He loves living in a neighborhood with other kids! 

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A day fishing at the pond

The kids, well the daughter unit mostly, spent most of the afternoon fishing at our pond.  No, she doesn't own her own fishing pole. I know, I am a horrible mother.  I really should buy the girl a fishing pole for as much as she loves to fish.  Just hadn't got around to it.  To much trouble to get the license and drive to the lake and such. But with living in this neighborhood, there is a pond stocked with fish.  Not that I would recommend eating any of them, but stocked none the less, and a license is not required.  Luckily for my daughter there was another mother and child out at the pond. Unlucky for the mother and child, my daughter is fearless and knows no strangers.  Thankfully the mother was very nice and let my daughter sit with them and even had a spare fishing pole she let my daughter use.  How unfortunate for the fish!!  I did go over there for a couple of hours and sit with them. Some other neighbors, some that we are quickly becoming good friends with even came out with their fishing poles.  It really was quite fun. And naturally I had my camera! Might as well make a day of it! That was until my son, who is not much for fishing, got incredibly bored and insisted we head home so he could kill aliens on the Xbox.  I did plead with him to stay outside. Enjoy the sunshine and run around.  He didn't care for any of my suggestions.  I did manage to talk him into helping me clean the garage since we absolutely had to go home according to him!  (Go figure!)
I got some really good pics though!  Will be investing in some fishing poles when the daughter unit gets back from Cali for the summer!

 He is such a hambone!
I love the Weeping Willow at the edge of our pond!

He loves exploring!

Not sure what kind of fish this is. Anyone else know?

I am so partial to Black & Whites!!

My kids are just so awesome!

That is a lot of fish!

Yep she is mine!! 

Had to get some more of the tree touching the water!

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The son learning to mow the lawn!!

That's what he gets for complaining about being bored!!!  HAHA

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