Holy Cow.. Has it been that long?

Geeze apparently it has been almost a month since my last blog. So I have a lot of catching up to do!

Well, lets see. My oldest baby, had her first formal!! She was drop-dead gorgeous!! As you can see!!

Unfortunately, the loser that invited her, didn't even have the decency to show up. Yep that's right, she got stood up. But I was so proud of her, she stayed and had an absolutely FABULOUS!! time. She proved that you don't have to have a boy around to have fun!! You go girl!

On a side note: She almost got suspended from school the following Monday, for darn near breaking the guys nose!! More points for my not-so-baby-baby girl!!!

Since I am on the subject of my beauty! She also got braces during the past month. They were put on, on Thursday, the 19th of February. She was just as anxious, excited and scared as I was. (And not for all the same reasons!) I don't mind writing large dollar amount checks for bills, house payments, car payments and such, but to have to write a check for that large of an amount for something that is going in someone's mouth, is just down right nerve-wracking!! Fortunately I didn't have to write it, daddy did! Well, the hubby wrote it to be more technically specific. "Daddy" could send a single penny to help with fixing his oldest childs teeth, NO, "daddy" had to get a new tattoo, that he conned some poor mis-guided soul into paying for, then lied to everyone else about how it was paid for. And all only two days after I called him, knowing he wouldn't any way, but did it just to say I did, and asked him if he could send something to help with the down payment for J's braces. The monthly's I can handle, no problemo. But that down payment is the one that nearly gave us hives. Now, dont' get me wrong, by any means, SHE IS TOTALLY WORTH EVERY CENT. And no tattoo is more important then her self-esteem, and dental health and well-being! Unfortunatley the other person in her life doesn't seem to see things that way.

So, T and I leave in only a matter of days, to fly out to The Land Of Fruits and Nuts, as my friends from the South like to call it!! For those of you a little lost, we are flying to California. My baby sister, well only sister for that matter, is getting married! Yeah her!! I have met him, and he is very nice. I believe I have written about him and them before.
The big day is one week from today, I hope she is nervous!! But I am excited and can't wait. Now this is going to sound bad, I am really excited for them, really! Starting a new life together, is a fabulous thing, I remember how I felt when Hubby and I made it all official. It just gives you that little bounce in your step.
But what I am really excited about is seeing my family. I know I just saw them a matter of months ago, but this time I will have my little boy with me. They have not seen him in a few years. I can't wait for Big Pa to see him, and grandma and grandpa. I so still harbour some regrets about moving to Georgia. Mostly they all lie around having taken the grandkids away from those three people I just mentioned. I know my sister and my cousins will eventually have children and there will be other grandkids, but my were first, and so far are the only. And T was just getting to that age where he was getting really cool, not all about food and poo and crying and such, but starting to do things, now he is a terd, but still very cool, and I just up and moved him away from everyone. I feel bad about that mostly. Although they all understand why we did it, and that is has been the best decision Hubby and I have ever made.

So I am totally stoked about that, and my mother in law is coming home with me for a few weeks. Which is not totally bad, not at all. I get along great with her!! I love her to death, and she is really excited about coming out, she hasn't been out here since right after we moved from Cali, and not at all since we moved into the new house. Can't wait!

Well, I guess I should cut this update a little short. It is Saturday morning, I am leaving in 4 days and will be gone for 5, leaving my teenager daughter, my 10 year old drama queen and my husband all alone, with my house, for that time.. Okay now I am scared.. what will I come home to??? Will the house be standing?

Gotta go clean for the next 4 days! Love to all!

P.S. Will have awesome pics of my little man in slacks and a tie!! Soon!

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