Well, Well, Here I am
So for the second time in 5 years, we have made a long distance move. I have given up another job, and disrupted my kids school lives. Given up a home that fit us pretty good, for one that, well, we definitely have to do some down-sizing for. And have to re-learn how to drive.. again.
I can't say that I terribly hate it. Yet, I can't say I am completely in love with it. While I sit here, looking around a house full of boxes, and what-nots. With the kids at school, the hubby at work, the cat trying for some unknown reason to get inside every cupboard, and waiting on a repairman who seems to not have any concept of time, I can't help but think "What will come next?"
Let me fill you in a little.
We moved to Georgia for many different reasons. My husband was completely miserable at his old job. We couldn't afford California. The drama levels were just ridiculously through the roof. The bullshit was waist high and growing. My family, for the most part was awesome, but like any family, had is hitches. We were broke. We were basically homeless, and had it not been for my wonderfully loving grandparents, we would have been. My mother was running me ragged. I could probably keep going, but I think you get the jest of it. I must admit, the job I had at that moment, wasn't paying the bills by any means. Though it had 99% potential to turn into something that very well could have paid the bills. Alas, being the obedient, loving wife I am. When my husband suggested the relocation to the southern part of the states, he put up a pretty good argument. And I being the ever pleasing natured person I am, but at the same time ready for the change myself, agreed. So after 3 agonizing months of having our family living on two separate sides of the continent, we all finally made it back together in GA. It was scary, but again it wasn't. I had been to GA before, a few times in fact, to visit. My biological father lives there, so I sort of new the area. A few months after moving, I landed a fairly decent job, with a temp service, but at a wonderful printing plant, where I met some of the best people I have ever met in my life. The sort of people that would give you the shirt off their backs before they even knew your name. The sort of people you don't think exist anymore. The sort of people I never knew in California. It was awesome.
I worked there for more than a year, then quit. My son was getting sick all the time at his daycare, and the bills just weren't getting paid the way they should have been, what with multiple car payments, daycare, other necessities and gas to drive the 22 miles one way to work, for both my husband and I. The math just didn't add up.
I was only out of work for a short time though, when by chance I happened to be back at that same printing plant, to visit some of the friends I had made, and was offered a permanent job with better pay!! Yippee!! I totally lucked into that one! But I was awesome at my job, I am a very quick study, and adapt easily. They knew that, and knew I was perfect for the job!
Things were going great. Hubby was at a store less than a half a mile from where I worked, and we were able to go to lunch together a lot. Then, I guess you could say I saw it coming. The same signs I had seen years earlier. He transferred back to a store he had been at previously, because he said he couldn't handle the monotony, and constant picking on that he got at the store he was in. Umm.. hello! You can dish it out, but you can't take it?! What's wrong with that? So he went back to the worst store in the district. Without talking to me about it, until the decision and confirmation had been completed. Okay, I can deal with that.. whatever.
That didn't last long though. He soon found out, it was worse than the other store. He again started to make comments, shortly after getting settled in at the store, that he was miserable, and needed to get out of there. I couldn't say anything though. I had tried to tell him, he was going to hate it, it wasn't going to be the same, and he would be miserable. But like almost all men, you can't tell them anything. It wouldn't have done any good anyway. And forget telling him "I told you so" Talk about WWIII. Nope just don't even broach the subject.
So a few months ago, he started talking about a possible transfer. When I asked him where, that was when he sprang it on me. Another state. Great. Another move, another house, another job, another school, another license, another license plate, another everything.
February 16th, 2005 move to Georgia. February 16th, 2010 move to Indiana. See the irony? Yep, so here I am. Quit my awesome, yet not well enough paying job, (yeah economy hit us hard in the printing industry, took a 10% paycut last year). Pulled the kids from there really good schools, and away from there friends. Left the house I thought we would not move from, and learning to drive in the snow. Cali girl, to Georgia girl, to Indiana Hoosier. Again I ask "What's next?"
The kids do like their schools here. This is their second day, and they have already began to make friends. The hubby seems to like his new store, for now. Me, well, packing, un-packing, cleaning, learning the lay of the land, no friends, no family, no job. It seems like the house will never be done. Nothing fits, things are broken, my hands are scraped and bruised. The cat is eternally pissed from the upset in his life, and I am just here. Life goes on. I miss California, but I think I miss Georgia more. Maybe one day I will say the same thing for Indiana. Although, this is the one place I said I would never live. Guess that teaches me to never say never. I did make it pointedly clear though, at one instance in time, that I did not want to live in Indiana, anywhere but Indiana. For many reasons. Yet this seems to be the one place he was destined to move us to. WTF??? So no matter how much I try to please everyone else, there is never anyone else that gives a rat's petootie about pleasing me. Whatever. I will make do. I will make the best of the situation I have found myself in. And I will survive.
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