Another school year down the drain

Yep, another school year has come to a close. Summer is officially upon us, well maybe not officially, but sure as heck fire feels that way!  The kids are happy to be done with school, and I am almost done.  I have one more final to take Thursday, then this term is done for me.  New term will start in a little over a week. 

I am taking online classes this term.  I am nervous about it, but it is the best thing for us right now.  We still don't really know anyone here in the new town, and we are living pretty tightly with only one income.  We have been doing good, but just not at a place where we can afford daycare for the son unit.  He is much too young to stay home alone!!  So online was the best option.  I think I will be just fine, but still nervous.  I have always seemed to have some problems with deadlines when I am not being watched, if that makes any sense.  Just worried that because I am not getting up in the mornings and GOING to school, I will start to put things off.  I am really going to try very very hard not to do that though.  I have enlisted the help of my son to remind mommy to do her school work everyday.  We have a deal, he reminds me to do school work everyday, and when I am done, we go to the pool together!  While I am doing school work, he can play the Xbox.  He is really cool with our deal. Looking forward to telling mommy to do her homework, since I was always telling him too.  :) 

My accounting instructor talked me into taking Accounting II online. Well, they are calling it a blended class. It will be mainly online, but there will be some days when they meet in class.  I had told my instructor while doing Summer registration that I would not be able to attend classes on campus, and explained my child care issues, but I really didn't want to put anything off for a semester.  He agreed, and had enrolled me in some other required courses since I was very hesitant about taking Acct II online.  Even though he really didn't want me to get out of sequence with the Accounting courses.  Then when he was told it would be a blended class, he told me I really should take it, and he had every confidence in the world that I would be just fine, even if it was strictly online, but since it is both maybe I would have more confidence.  So that is where I am at.  Taking Accounting II online.  The days hubby is home, I will be able to go to the school and either meet with the class, or at least meet with the instructor if I have and questions or issues.  Here's hoping! 

Since another summer is upon us, it is time for my baby girl to go to California to see her dad.  I always hate it when they have to go. But since the oldest daughter unit moved out there last August, this summer seems harder.  I think I have this major fear that my youngest daughter will get out there and decide she doesn't want to come home.  Much like what happened last year.  I am scared to death of that.  She has reassured me though that my fear is unfounded, and she will be home in July.  When she comes home, the oldest is supposed to come out with her for a visit.  I am so excited about that.  I haven't seen her since Christmas.  I know that doesn't seem very long, but for me it has been an eternity.  I miss that girl!  I really am hoping that their dad buys the tickets, like he says he is going too.  See, the deal is, I buy D's ticket to L.A.  He buys both girls tickets to Indy, and I buy J's ticket to L.A.  We are supposed to split up the cost for the visitation transportation.  That is how we have done it... usually. There was one year when it didn't work out exactly like that, and my mom helped him buy a ticket or two... still not sure if that was paid back or not.  They can work that out between themselves!  I didn't have anything to do with it anyway!  I bought the tickets I was supposed to!  So that is another of my fears, is that he won't buy what he is supposed to and I won't get to see my girl.  I will have to get D home, and definitely can't afford 4 tickets right now.  And that totally sucks.

Well, I guess this is a good update for now. Sorry no pictures, the weather hasn't been very favorable lately, and we have been busy.  Me studying for finals, the daughter figuring out what to pack, and the son, well, doing boy things.. you know, playing army with the kids across the street!  He loves living in a neighborhood with other kids! 

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Anonymous said...

Online classes definitely take more self-discipline but you can do it! Just make sure you stick to the schedule like you said and you will do fine! Plus, if you havve questions you can go see a teacher! I did pretty much 3/4's of my undergraduate degree online and my teachers were in was so hard sometimes because I basically had to teach myself. you said, I had to do it for my son... I didn't want to be at work all day and then school all night so it was my only option. Anyhow, just wanted to say...if I can do (I have no self-discipline), surely you can do it! And I am with you on the not taking pictures...I haven't taken pictures in a loooong time! Hoping to get a few today at the Children's museum if there is good light! Take Care!

love Brandi said...

Thank you so much Lindsey! It is so nice to get a boost of confidence from someone who has been there! I think I will do okay. I have done so well this first term, I want to keep that going! I don't remember wanting anything this bad before!!! (Except maybe my husband, and I got him!) We are going on vacation next week, hoping I can get some good pictures then also!!

Kirstin Hopkins said...

Yes, Brandi, you can do it! It definitely does take some self-discipline. I've enjoyed taking online classes and my Bachelors program was an adult accelerate program where we met on campus all day Saturday and have a day Sunday, then the rest of the class was online for a month. We'd return on a Friday night to take a final and then next day, start a new class. What I liked about that was the face-to-face aspect. I've also done some fully online courses and I quickly fell behind when I did not stay disciplined. You might need to make sure you schedule school time into your day as if you were still physically going to school. I have all the confidence in you though, especially with hearing how well you've been doing too!

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