Just thinking

I don't know what it was, but while driving around this morning running odd and end errands before the daughter unit leaves for California tonight, I suddenly started thinking.  Very dangerous I know! But suddenly so many thing became painfully obvious to me, yet still mysterious enough to make me go hmm.

For starters, has anyone else noticed how the older we get, the faster time goes by?  I know many people told me when I was younger this very fact of life.  I never believed them, because in the infinite wisdom of my youth I thought they were just plain and simple crazy! Then suddenly, it is true.  I remember as a child waiting on Christmas, or my birthday.  Those days just never seemed to get here.  Or waiting on summer vacation.  Long boring days sitting in a classroom, staring longingly out the door or window wishing so much that the school day would be over so I could get home and swim, or ride my bike.  The end of the school year seemed so elusive, like an old myth that no-one knows for sure if it actually happened or not.  Yet once summer was official, I must not have done things too exciting, because now, I don't seem to remember much.  Sure I remember our family vacations.  The summer we went camping at Hume Lake.  The squirrels attacking our Cocker Spaniel and tormenting him endlessly by throwing nuts and such on his head from high up in the trees where he couldn't get to them.  Or the summer my family rented a cabin just outside of Yosemite Park and spent the week exploring different areas of Yosemite.  Even exploring the river and surrounding area behind our cabin.  That was beautiful.  Then there was the summer we went to San Diego.  The zoo, SeaWorld, and other areas of town where my mother spent some of her childhood while my grandfather was still in the Navy.  One summer I went to Seattle/Tacoma and spent almost the whole summer with my grandparents.  That was a great summer also!  My first major league baseball game in a stadium that no longer stands, and my first trip out of the country, even if it was just across the water to Canada, it was still farther than some have been!  Besides going long distances, I usually spent most of my summers with my grandparents, before they moved to Washington they lived only about 30 minutes from us.  I would wait eagerly for summer knowing I would spend most of it running around with my grandmother or playing caddy for my grandfather and his friends on the the golf course.  Yes, summers were definitely longed for with great anticipation.

Now though, as I have gotten older, they seem to come ever so fast, and leave just as quickly.  All year seems to move with this lightning quick force not just the summer time.  I used to think it was because I was working full time.  So I never seemed to have time to relax, always had something to do.  Now, I am not working, I am attending school but even that is only a few days a week.  I guess I have just reached that level of insanity I used to accuse the elders in my life of living at.  It seems only last month we went to California for Christmas, to see the family. Yet I know it was six months ago.  It seems as though, I only started college last week, now I am facing my first end of term final, tomorrow!  It seems as though my kids just started school, yet I have one that is about to be a junior in High School, and one that is about to be a seventh grader, and the third about to start second grade.

Hubby and I will be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary next week.  It really doesn't feel that long.  I remember the first time I saw that man, and he stole my heart.  I remember how breathless I was the first time we danced together.  When he put his arms around me, I literally had one of those moments you read about in romantic novels, or see in sappy chick flicks.  The room evaporated and it was only him and I.  Swimming, no floating in each others eyes, not seeing another soul around us.  Even now, every time he touches me the feeling has not eased or faltered, maybe, actually, it has gotten stronger.  Perhaps that is why it doesn't seem to have been as long as the calendar says it has.  This is a good thing!  Our marriage and relationship still feels so young, I am glad we are not in one of those stale, stuck-in-a-rut moments of our lives and marriage.

Well, this was just my wondering what the hell kind of post.  I don't know exactly where it came from, other than I am getting ready to leave for the airport to put my baby girl on the plane. Maybe that is what started this all. These days summer always sneaks up on me, because I know I have to send my girl 3000 miles away for at least a month or so.  I hate summers!!

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1 comment:

Kirstin Hopkins said...

I TOTALLY know what you mean about time flying as you get older. I am constantly saying the same thing about remembering how slowly time went by when we were younger and not being able to wait for Christmas, birthdays, etc.

Nine years - has it really been that long since you guys got married?! Doesn't seem to be that long ago... so glad that you still feel like "newlyweds!"

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