My daughter
Well, to start I am not to proud of the beginning of this blog. I didn't sleep well at all last night. In fact by the time I finally fell asleep enough to stay asleep it was 3:30 am. And yes, I had gone to bed at about 10:00 pm. Needless to say I literally tossed and turned for hours. Then I got up this morning a little before 6 am to get the kids up and ready for school. Once the boy was out the door, I sat down to finish my accounting project for school. I know it is not due until next Tuesday, but today was really the only chance I will have to be alone and in a quiet house, so I took the opportunity and knocked it out. After I finished that, I cleaned up the kitchen and tidied up a bit. I was so exhausted, I knew I should lay down for a while, but I just don't feel good about laying down in the middle of the day when the hubby is at work and the kids are at school. I feel like I am just being lazy and could be doing something productive. That goes back to my childhood, and is another blog entirely!! So I sat and watched some t.v. for a bit. Trying to keep from falling asleep. Hubby came home for lunch, and I made him some food. He went back to work, and I finally gave in to my exhaustion and decided to lay on the couch for a little bit and try to get a small nap in. Didn't work. Much like last night, as soon as I laid my head down my eyes popped open and I could not fall asleep to save my life.
Needless to say, by the time the kids got home, I was not in the greatest of moods. I try hard not to let my mood affect how I am to the kids. I try really hard not to be snappy, or mean. When they both got home I had to go to the bank. I was a little edgy, but trying really hard to keep it from the kids. It wasn't working great. I guess the daughter picked up on it. I feel bad, but she made me feel so much better!
So we are heading home, and sitting at a stop light. In front of us is a mini-van, not precisely sure what make, but not much different from ours. My daughter, suddenly looks at the mini-van and yells "Ahh a mini van!" I looked at her and said "baby, we are in a mini-van" She proceeds to look at me, then, and if you know her at all, she yells "IT IS?? OH MY GOSH!! AHHHH IT IS SHRINKING!!!!!!" and as she is yelling this, she shrinks down in her seat, and starts twitching and trembling all over. I started laughing so hard, I nearly pee'd my pants! Not to mention that the light had turned green during this and the cars in front of me had gone through so I almost missed the light! She then tells me "this isn't a mini-van, it's not as small as that one!!" I told her, yes it is! So she asks "Well since when did it shrink?" I laughed more, and told her again, it always has been. She insisted it wasn't. Well, thankfully for me, there just so happened to be a full size Ford van behind us, one of those work van deals. So I pointed it out to her, and said that is a full size and see how much bigger it is than ours? She looks at it, and then the drama started again! "Ahhh, Mom, we are shrinking!! Look all the other vans are growing bigger than us!! OMG, help!! We are going to shrink into nothing!!!" Then she started laughing so hard SHE almost pee'd her pants! I am so glad we were nearly home, or I might not have made it! She definitely made me feel better though! I love her so much! She is so awesome and funny, and she always knows just what to say or do to get a laugh out of people, especially me! And I told her that, that made her happy!
I don't know how I survive without her during the summers. It really is hard. After we got home, I got on the computer and saw the new Eclipse movie trailer, so she watched it with me. We were both drooling. Then we realized that when the movie hits the theaters, she will be in California. We won't be able to go see it together.... the drama then started all over!!! You should have seen her, heck you might have heard her!!
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