Crayons, creativity and a father son project

Hubby has had the last several days off from work, a mini vacation you could say. He had a few vacation days left over from last year and had to get them used. Since it has been ages since he had a holiday weekend off, he decided to take them now. It was a nice time for him to take them anyway. The kids were out of school for spring break as of Thursday afternoon. So we have all been able to spend some time together.

Friday, the boys wanted to do some "manly" stuff. You know, we have a garage now, so they wanted to wash and wax the motorcycle, and build something, like manly men do! So the daughter unit and I went to do something just us. Okay, so we didn't exactly go do mani's or pedi's, we went to breakfast and then went to the driving range. That's right! We went and hit golf balls!! It's was fun! She is actually really good. She needs to work on a few pointers, as do I, yet I haven't touched my clubs in a coons age... (that was for you Reid!)

Okay, so back to the boys. Then ended up not really doing anything to the motorcycle until yesterday. Friday they did build something though! See a week or so ago, we went to eat dinner one night. The kids got crayons with their meals, and this particular restaurant had these really cool wood blocks with holes drilled in the top so the crayons would stand up. I have seen them before, but not in a while. Guess most restaurants just got cheap, and either don't give out crayons or put them in a little basket, or just drop a few with the menu's. Hubby thought the wood block was the coolest thing. He looked at the son unit, and said "we could so make one of these" This got my little boy so excited! So Friday, that is what they did, they built a wood crayon holder! Lucky for my son, the Easter Bunny brought him a brand new pack of crayons in his Easter Basket! Here are the pictures of their creation. I think it is absolutely stunning. I just love it so much! They did a really awesome job!

They stained it!
Drilled holes in it!

It is so nice!

My son even sanded the edges so it wasn't sharp!

Guess he needs a few more crayons to fill it up!

Yeah, so just like the kids, the cat always has to be right in the middle of everything. Mom can't do a darn thing without them feeling the urge to check it all out!!! :)

They really did do an awesome job! I am so proud of my boys!

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