Monday night..

Whoo.. what an exhausting couple of days! I was going to try to write some this morning, but ran out of time quickly! So I will talk about my exciting, fun- filled weekend!!

First off, Friday afternoon my wonderful boss Jo-Anne let me leave work an hour and a half early!! Yeah! She knew what a horendous week I had been having so far, with Billy being sick and all, and that my night was only going to get worse, not to mention that I completely packed up and moved four big filing cabinets. Moving a whole years worth of registers upstairs in boxes, and making room in my tiny office. So I was filthy and tired, but I got to go home a little early. Seeing as it was Friday night though, my night was not peaceful.

It was once again time for HARLEM FOOTBALL IN BULLDOG COUNTRY!!! Another home game, which I was very thankful of. And another long Friday night. The band is definitely getting better, I think! Although the football leaves something to be desired. Amazingly though, we actually won our first game! Albeit this is was the fifth game of the season. But hey who's counting?!?!

Saturday morning, well that could have gone a lot better than what it did. For some reason, none of us seemed to be chipper and bright. Billy actually got up pretty early, well early for him (I guess since he had been sick he got enough sleep during the week!) I was laying in bed and could tell he was getting dressed. He shocked me when he said he was going to the grocery store for breakfast food, and that he would just shop for the rest of the week while he was there. I was trying to let him know what we needed and didn't need when I just decided to get up and go with him.. who needs sleep anyway? We got home, and were suddenly struck with these uncontrolabe urges to clean.. must have been an alignement of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and the Galaxy M81. But we cleaned the crap out of this house!! I was so proud of us.. although, maybe that is what caused our ill moods for the remainder of the day. Anywhoo, after our little Mr. Clean episode, we had talked about running errands, including shopping for Halloween costumes. (which I must mention here, that Dessiree did not get one, due to her very bad attitude and the fact that it took her 2 hours to clean a cat box)

Well, we ended up at the Halloween store, I cried a little inside with the over excitement! Okay, so if you don't know, Halloween is my all time most favorite holiday out of the year. Not exactly sure why, I tend to be a chicken when it comes to most things scary. Maybe it is my overactive imagination? But, yes I would prefer Halloween to Christmas any day. So we are at the Halloween store, and Tristan picks out a costume. Dessiree is looking but not getting anything, and I am trying my hardest not to empty our bank account in this one store!! Tristan picked out Iron Man.. I think he likes the movie but it's not really is favorite.. but with Daddy standing right beside him going "Ooohh Tristan loooookkkkk it's Iroonnnnn Mannnnn" then yeah, a 5 year old is probably going to pick that one. No biggie. Jessica and I ended up getting some face kits, to paint up our faces. And I got a couple of decorations for the house. And still spent to much money!

Saturday night, we went to dinner with some friends. One of Billy's co-workers and his wife, and my BFF and his girlfriend. Yep that's right, my bff is a guy and he is 20 years older than me! I will introduce him more later! We went to a restaurant called The Snug. It was fabulous! It was our first time eating there.. and I can still taste it!!!
After dinner we went to Laura's Backyard Tavern, another co-worker actually owns it with his wife, and Billy's band plays there sometimes. We had a great time, another of our friends met up with us all, and we just sat around a picnic table and talked, laughed, joked and had a great time. It was really a fabulous evening!!

Sunday, we took the kids to Louisville (lewis-ville) more precisely the Kackleberry Farms. A cool place that is a pumpkin patch, corn maize, jumping pillow (huge I might add) corn cannon, pig race, and lots of fun stuff to do. I will put some pics below. We were joined by, my BFF and his gf, Reid my other BFF, my co-worker and friend Jenn her husband and her nephew, and her friend and her son!! We had a blast! It was a great end to the weekend! The kids had fun. I think the grown-ups had a little fun too.. maybe!!

Now I just want to relax, but it is 9:18 at night, and I am just going to go to bed!!

P.S. I bought my plane tickets last night to go to Cali!! YEAH!!!! More to come on that!
The pillow thing!

My Dess!

My boy!

The Teenager!

My Ittie Wittie Flowers!

And as my Teenager so graciously put it.. The Old Guys!!
My hubby, and my two BFF's!!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funt times! Your oldest daughter was so good with Jadyn!! She did a great job protecting him from the bee that was trying to get him!

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