Thursday Morning.

Here I am another Thursday morning. Again, fighting with children to get them out the door for the bus. My middle child, the greatest procrastinator in the world, is once again progressing at a glacial pace. I know she doesn't get that from my gene pool, it has got to be her fathers. (If I am not 20 minutes early, then I am late.) My son, well he tries his hardest, but I still have to help alot. It is funny how one day they are so dependent, and the next, they are sooo independent.

Yesterday, was aweful. I once again, had to take time off from work to tend to one of my family members, my husband. He thought he had the flu Monday, and it got worse (Monday by the way was his birthday) So he got worse and by Tuesday, he thought he was going to die. Whenever he gets sick, I always think in the back of my mind, he is a man, and it really isn't as bad as he makes it out to be. He really does tend to make things seem alot worse than they really are, with all the moaning, and groaning, and the world is ending stuff. But this time, well, by yesterday morning, I had had enough, and told him I was taking him to the doctor, and didn't care what he said. So I called the doctor and got him in around lunch time. While I was still at work, I had talked to a co-worker about his ailments, and she suggested that it my be his appendix. This was completely logical to me, considering his symptoms and the fact that we went through the whole emergency appendectomy thing with my middle child when she was 2.
When we got to the doctor, after a brief examination the doctor said he thought it was appendicitis also. I swear I didn't say anything to the doctor to coherse his theory. My husband wasn't pleased, the last thing in the world he wanted was to be faced with the possibility of surgery.

The doctor sent us over to a specialist to determine if that was the course of action that was needed, and if the diagnosis was accurate. The specialist seemed to think it might be a possibility, but had a little doubt so he ordered a CT scan before they started cutting. My husband felt better about this, until we found out he had to drink this stuff and then we had to wait around the hospital for 3 hours for it to get into his system. By this time it is 3pm, I haven't eaten lunch, and had been hoping all morning that I might make it back to work sometime that day, but suddenly realized that wasn't happening.

Well, after waiting for 3 hours in the patient registration waiting room, he finally had the CT scan done, then we had to wait for the doctors to read the results and decide if it was the appendix. I should also mention, that while all of this was going on, I have three children spread out all over Harlem, and I am in Augusta, 30 minutes away. I had to scramble. We know people here, but everyone we know, we work with. So obviously they are all at work. Not only that, but I never thought to put any of them on the pick up list for any of the kids. My oldest I really wasn't worried about, she was riding the bus home. My middle one, I wasn't terribly worried about, she too would ride the bus home from her after school program, but wouldn't be home till after 6. My son, well, he too is in an afterschool program, but it is more like a daycare, and someone has to pick him up, they don't provide bus service. So, I pulled together all of my courage, and called my dad, yes my biological father. I never ask him to do things for me. Especially not like this. But I was in a very tough spot. He also works in Augusta but lives in Thompson, so he basically drives right past our house, and Harlem everyday, yet for some odd reason, we only see him once or twice a month, if we are lucky. Now, I am not a completel moron, I did think enough to list him as the only other person that could pick up the kids from school besides myself and my husband!! Yeah for me!

I called him, explained the situation and pretty much begged him to help. Promising I would not do it again. He said he would and that it wasn't a big deal, but the tone of his voice made me feel otherwise.. but I will get more into that another time, I don't want to get angry right now.

Back to my hubby, after all the tests were said and done, they told us it wasn't his appendix. Sigh of relief... that means no surgery today. But they do think it might be his gull bladder, which I had mine out in February. So he may still have to have surgery, just not immediately. I took him home thinking, he is feeling better because all day he hasn't moaned or groaned or complained that it hurts, or did the whiny baby thing.. WRONG. Half way home in the car he started doing it again. So I decided to drop him at home before picking up the kids.

I went and got the kids from dads, apologized profusely, and we went to eat. It is nice sometimes just the four of us. When they aren't being horrible little monsters! Just us, sitting there joking and laughing, not worrying about being told to sit still, or be quiet, or stop that, or any of those darn adult things!! :) I love those times!! ............ that is until we got home!!!!!!

(P.S. To just make the whole day even better, it was raining!)

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