Mini Make-over...and other randomness

Bored right now. Need to get off my butt and go do something. Got to go to the store for Easter stuff, and probably a few other things. Thinking about maybe a new outfit. Why not? Bought the kids and the hubby new clothes over the weekend. Granted I did buy myself a few little things at The Body Shoppe and even bought myself a new chef's knife.. super sweet knife by the way! But I want a new top, or maybe a cute summer dress. I am just being selfish, I shouldn't do it, but then again, Wal-Mart is the poor woman's best friend.. I guess. We shall see.

Anyway, yesterday I did give myself a mini/cheap makeover! Lightened my hair a touch, bought a few new items of make-up, which I did desperately need. Even painted my nails! Blue of course! And believe it or not, last night I tried a really cool new mud mask.. ok, Iknow TMI.. and awefully girly of me, but it was kind of cool. Think the daughter unit and I will do some make-overs on each other this weekend. That will be cool. She did get some new outfits at the mall this past weekend, as I said already. Her and I do need to get our hair trimmed though. And the son unit needs another hair cut also.

Easter weekend.. what to do. The new neighborhood we live in is hosting an Easter Egg hunt and BBQ type of thing on Saturday. Sounds kind of cool. Meet some neighbors, get out of the house. Let the kids do something fun. Hmm...

Sunday, nothing planned at all. Would take the kids to church, Lord knows there are enough Lutheran churches here!! But would never get the hubby to go. I am not good with going to places alone for the first time when I know absolutely NO-ONE!! So maybe I will pass. The kiddos haven't mentioned wanting to go yet anyway. (Cringe, just the thought of walking into a place like church and be completely new...)

I really need to get my sewing machine fixed. Need to get the daughter units blanket fixed. Ok, now I know what I am doing today. First locate a sewing machine repair place.. second, locate a camera store, third... ME TIME!!!

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Adonis said...

Cool! Wish I was there to help. But you will do fine by yourself. I like the unit terminology. LOL!!

Jenn Harrison said...

Get on the internet and find a church like Journey in your area and just go! Thought about you this past week at church and wished you were there with me!

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